CHAMPION AWARD: An award to recognize volunteer service to MaHIMA
The Champion Award honors those whose long-term and enthusiastic support of MaHIMA and the HIM profession have advanced MaHIMA’s capacity to achieve its mission. These “Champions” are best characterized as individuals or organizations that go above and beyond in their quest to make MaHIMA a successful and dynamic membership organization. Nominations can be made here.

Congratulations to this year's recipient: Oby Egbunike, CCS-P, CPC, COC, CRC, CPC-I, Approved AAPC Instructor, Director Professional Coding and Education Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
Past Winners of the Champion Award:
- 2011 Susan Pepple
- 2012 Not awarded
- 2013 Not awarded
- 2014 Jeanne Fernandes, RHIA, CHDA
- 2015 Jackie Raymond, RHIA
- 2016 Linda Hyde, RHIA
- 2017 Jackie Judd, CCS
- 2018 Marianne Garfi, RHIA, CCS-P
- 2019 Not Awarded
- 2020 Not Awarded
- 2021 Donna Malone, CPC, CRC, CRC-I
- 2024 Oby Egbunike, CCS-P, CPC, COC, CRC, CPC-I
- Demonstrated leadership in HIM education by serving as a speaker, teacher, or facilitator for one or more MaHIMA program or activity.
- Providing inspiration, guidance, and opportunities for emerging leaders to participate in MaHIMA's volunteer structure and to build meaningful leadership experiences.
- Actively support MaHIMA’s mission “behind -the -scenes” by offering critical logistical support and assistance in MaHIMA’s educational programs.
- Developing new methods of more open and just -in -time communication between MaHIMA leadership and membership to encourage environmental scanning, transparency, and active engagement.
Eligible Candidates
- MaHIMA members or non-members
- Individuals, groups, or corporations
- Individuals may receive this award more than once but not within 5 years of their previous award
- Describe in detail the role and involvement of the individual(s). Please include an outline of the specific examples, challenges and outcomes.
- Recognition
- The Champion award will be presented at the MaHIMA Annual Conference.